In Punjab's Rajindra Hospital, Patiala, the operation theatre's lights went out during a surgery, after which a doctor made a video during the operation and shared it. On this, Health Minister of Punjab Dr Balbir Singh released a video and told the whole story.
The doctor made a video when the lights went out
This incident is being told to be before 2 o'clock. Because operations are done in the morning only. In the video, a doctor is saying that the main emergency light of Rajindra Hospital is coming on. He claimed that it has been 15 minutes since the lights went out. The ventilator has stopped. The patient's surgery is going on.
The emergency system was working
On the other hand, Health Minister of Punjab Dr Balbir Singh said that I saw the video of Rajindra Hospital. In which the lights went out during the operation. But during this time all the emergency systems were working. The generator and UPS system were also working. The lights came back after some time and the operation was completely fine.
The junior doctor got nervous
He further said that I have spoken to the operating surgeon and the medical superintendent in this matter. The patient is completely fine. At that time there was a young and junior doctor who got nervous. Generally the doctor's reaction is that he sees why the light went off and what arrangements should be made for it. But instead of doing this, he started making a video. He did this out of nervousness.
The matter should not be given too much importance
We will look into this matter, but this should not happen. But I want to assure everyone that there is no shortage. There are 3 hot lines for Rajindra Hospital. Because earlier there was a problem in one hot line. After which Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann gave 2 more hot lines. The patient is absolutely fine and this matter should not be given much importance.