The Punjab government is struggling to get farmer leader Jagjit Singh Dallewal, who has been on a hunger strike for 35 days, admitted to the hospital. A police team led by ADGP Jaskaran Singh has reached Khannauri border for this. Patiala Range DIG Mandeep Sidhu and SSP Nanak Singh are also present.
The Supreme Court has given orders
The Supreme Court has ordered the Punjab government to get farmer leader Dallewal admitted to the hospital. The Supreme Court has asked the Punjab government to shift Dallewal to a temporary hospital before December 31 keeping in mind his health. If this is not done, a contempt case can be filed against the DGP of Punjab.
Yesterday's talks between Dallewal and the administration remained inconclusive
Let us tell you that yesterday the administration had talked to the farmer and Dallewal. But this conversation between the two remained inconclusive. After this conversation, Dallewal made serious allegations against the Punjab government and said that it is preparing to attack the front. They are trying to crush the front.