8 trains have been cancelled for 10 days in Punjab. Trains will be affected due to non-interlocking work at Batala railway station on Amritsar Pathankot section of Ferozepur division. According to the information, trains have been cancelled by the Railways from March 3 to March 13.
These trains will remain cancelled
Train name / train number
Amritsar Pathankot Passenger (54611)
Pathankot-Amritsar Passenger (54614)
Amritsar-Pathankot Express (14633)
Pathankot-Amritsar Passenger (54616)
Pathankot Verka (74674)
Verka Pathankot (74673)
Amritsar-Qadian (74691)
Qadian-Amritsar (74692) will remain cancelled