In Pathankot's Phangtauli village, the movement of suspicious people has once again come to the fore. According to Balram Singh, a resident of the village, around 2.30 am, three suspicious people came to his house after breaking the wall and started asking for bread, but they neither opened the door nor heard their voice.
Get up, we are hungry, give us bread
Balram Singh said that the three suspects were carrying large bags and were wearing black clothes. He shouted, get up, we are hungry, give us bread. He spoke three-four times but he did not respond. After which Balaram's wife asked to call the police. Tried to call the police but could not make the call due to lack of network. They watched their activities silently behind the curtain. Meanwhile, hearing the sound of the helicopter passing above, the suspects sometimes came down the stairs and sometimes went up.
Search operation continues
According to the family, they wandered around the house for about 2 hours. After this they left from there. The matter was reported to the police. The police reached the spot and inquired and took photos and videos of foot prints etc. Since then, a search operation is being conducted in the entire area. However, the joint search operation being conducted by the police and the army has yielded nothing yet.