A big decision was taken by the central government late on Tuesday evening. While making administrative changes, the post of Advisor to the Chandigarh Administrator was abolished and he was given the post of Chief Secretary. Let us tell you that a big administrative change has been made after 40 years. This is an important administrative change for Chandigarh. Along with this, the posts of two IAS officers have been increased in Chandigarh. Now the number of officers has become 11.
Some important decisions were taken 40 years ago
Let us tell you that on 3 June 1984, the central government abolished the post of Chief Commissioner and gave him the post of Advisor to the Administrator. At the same time, after 40 years, the central government has again made a change, where the post of Advisor to the Administrator of Chandigarh has been abolished and the post of Chief Secretary has been created.
This change will strengthen the administrative structure of Chandigarh
At the same time, according to experts, this change will strengthen the administrative structure of Chandigarh. Any officer who comes to the post of advisor in Chandigarh. He is on the post of Chief Secretary. But here he is called an advisor. Therefore, this post was being demanded for a long time.
Now the structure of UT administration will be like this
Chief Secretary - 1, Secretary (Home) 1, Secretary (Finance) 1 Secretary Urban Planning and Smart City -1, Deputy Commissioner -1, Joint Secretary Finance 1, Excise Commissioner 1, Secretary (two posts), Additional Secretary, Additional Deputy Commissioner