Special trains will also be run from Punjab for the Maha Kumbh Mela starting in Prayagraj. The Firozpur division of the Railways has announced this. Special trains will run from Amritsar and Firozpur stations to Prayagraj. This will greatly benefit those devotees who believe in Sanatan Dharma.
The train will pass through these stations
Special trains running from Amritsar will leave at 8.10 pm on January 9, January 19 and February 6, which will reach Phaphamau in Prayagraj the next day in the evening. The train will be at Beas, Jalandhar City, Dhandari Kalan, Sirhind, Rajpura, Ambala Cantonment, Yamunanagar Jagadhri, Saharanpur, Deoband, Muzaffarnagar, Meerut City, Hapur, Garhmukteshwar, Gajraula, Amroha, Moradabad, Rampur, Bareilly, Shahjahanpur, Lucknow and Rae Bareli stations.
At the same time, a special train will leave from Firozpur railway station on January 25 at 1:25 pm. Which will reach Phaphamau the next day at 11:30 am. This train will pass through Faridkot, Kotkapura, Bathinda, Dhuri, Patiala, Rajpura, Ambala Cantonment, Saharanpur, Moradabad, Bareilly, Shahjahanpur, Lucknow and Rae Bareli stations.