In Shri Mata Vaishno Devi, 94.83 lakh devotees have attended the court of Mata in 2024. This information was given by the CEO of Vaishno Devi Shrine Board. He said that this is the second largest number of pilgrims to the Vaishno Devi temple in a decade. People come here to visit throughout the year. Thousands of people visit Maa Vaishno Devi every day.
Let us tell you that for the third consecutive year, the number of devotees visiting the temple has crossed 90 lakh. Last year this number had crossed 95 lakh.
In 2012, one crore devotees had reached Vaishno Devi
In the month of January 2022, 438521 devotees, in February 361074, in March 778669, in April 902192, in May 986766, in June 1129231, in July 907542, in August 877762, in September 828382 devotees had come to pay their obeisance at the feet of Maa Vaishno Devi. Earlier in the year 2012, one crore devotees had visited Maa Vaishno Devi.