A student died when a school bus overturned in Valakkai in Kannur district of Kerala on Wednesday. Also 14 children were injured. According to the police, a student travelling in the bus fell out of the window and died after being crushed under the bus when it overturned. This bus belonged to Chinmaya School located in Kurumathur of the district. The deceased student has been identified as Nedhya, a class 5th student.
20 students were travelling in the bus at the time of the incident
The condition of one of the injured students is said to be critical. 20 students were travelling in the bus at the time of the accident. The bus belonged to Kurumathur Chinmaya School. The bus was taking the children back home after school. But on the way, while descending from the bridge, the driver lost control of the bus. The bus started descending down the slope rapidly. Then it collided with a pillar near an intersection and overturned twice.
The incident was captured on CCTV
After the bus jolted, Nedhya fell out of the window and the bus overturned on her, killing her on the spot. The entire incident was captured on a CCTV camera installed in a nearby house. The police are currently investigating.