Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann's health suddenly deteriorated at Chandigarh airport. Bhagwant Mann had just landed from the plane at Chandigarh airport on Tuesday, when his health deteriorated. After this, he was admitted to Apollo Hospital in Delhi for treatment. According to information received from sources, Bhagwant lost his balance as soon as he landed at the airport.
Suddenly deteriorated health at the airport
After this, the security guards present on the spot took care of him and made him sit on a chair present there for some time. After the airport, he was first brought to the CM residence Chandigarh, where he was given a drip. Along with this, CM Mann was taken to Apollo Hospital in Delhi. Where the doctor also gave some medicines. The doctor has not given any information yet. But according to sources, his condition is improving now.
Bhagwant Mann stayed in Delhi
Bhagwant Mann went to Delhi on 13 September. Since then he was staying in Delhi. Along with this, he was attending marathon meetings and other programs of the party. Apart from this, he was also busy in meetings regarding Haryana elections. During this, when he reached Chandigarh by plane on Tuesday afternoon, his health deteriorated. However, after this he went to his residence.
CM Bhagwant Mann has been busy for a month
Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann is among the star campaigners of Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). He has been continuously busy in Haryana assembly elections for the last one month. At the same time, this time the party is contesting all the seats in Haryana alone.