Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann has announced financial assistance of Rs 1 crore to the young farmer Shubhakaran Singh, who lost his life at the Khanauri border during the farmers' march to Delhi and a government job to his younger sister. Let us tell you that a meeting was held between farmer leaders and the administration on Thursday evening. The postmortem of Shubhakaran has not been done yet.
Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann has given information in this regard by tweeting on social media. Also said that appropriate legal action will be taken against the accused, we are performing our duty.
22-year-old Shubhakaran Singh, who was killed during the farmers' protest in Punjab, was drowned in debt. The family had also sold the land due to poor financial condition. Shubhakaran's family has a debt of Rs 10 lakh. The mother of Shubhakaran, the only brother of two sisters, has passed away. Father is a van driver. Shubhakaran's mother died when he was seven years old. Shubh went to Khanauri with friends on 13 February.
Shubhakaran was the only earning person in the family
Tenth pass Shubhakaran Singh was the only earning person in the family. He used to do farming along with his uncle. The family had two acres of land. He was doing farming by taking 15 acres of land on lease.