Vrindavan Saint Premanand Maharaj's health suddenly deteriorated late last night, after which he has been admitted to a Vrindavan hospital. According to the information, Premanand Maharaj ji had chest pain and was admitted to Ramakrishna Mission Seva Ashram Hospital in Vrindavan for treatment.
It is being told that now Maharaj is completely healthy and he also did his daily routine on Saturday.Sant Premanand Maharaj also gives spiritual sermons.
Along with giving darshan to the devotees, Premanand Maharaj also gives spiritual discourses. VIP people also come to his ashram to have darshan and his videos also go viral on social media.
Sant Premanand is suffering from kidney disease
Let us tell you that Saint Premanand is suffering from kidney disease and he also undergoes dialysis. Despite this illness, he reaches Radhakeli Kunj Ashram located in Ramanreti on foot from his personal residence Shri Krishna Sharanam every day at 2 o'clock in the night. During this time thousands of devotees come on the road to see him and have darshan of Maharaj Premanand.