Pataudi family assets worth Rs 15,000 crore may be confiscated: Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan and his family are going through a difficult time these days. On one hand, the whole family is in shock after the attack on Saif. Meanwhile, big news is coming about the property worth crores of the Pataudi family. It is being said that the property worth 15 thousand crores of the Pataudi family may come under the possession of the central government. Let's know the matter...
The crisis looming over the property can be averted
This case is related to the property worth 15 thousand crores of the Pataudi family in Bhopal, which the government can confiscate under the Enemy Property Act. Saif Ali Khan's family still has another chance as they can file an appeal in the division bench of the High Court. If they file an appeal and the court decides in their favor, then this crisis looming over their property can be removed.
The stay that has been going on for 10 years is now over
Actually, the stay that has been going on for the last 10 years in the enemy property case on the property of the historical princely state in Bhopal is now over. After this, the Madhya Pradesh High Court Jabalpur gave time to the Pataudi family to present their claim on the property but they did not present their side in time. At the same time, the descendants of the Nawab's second daughter Sajida Sultan (Saif Ali Khan and Sharmila Tagore) are presenting their claim on this property.
30 days time to present the case
The Madhya Pradesh High Court (Jabalpur) had given 30 days to actor Saif Ali Khan, mother Sharmila Tagore, sisters Soha and Saba Ali Khan and Pataudi's sister Sabiha Sultan to present their case before the appellate authority in the enemy property case. This period has now expired and no claim has been made by the family.
Property under the Enemy Property Act
The Enemy Property Act was made in 1968. Under this, the Central Government has the right over the properties left in India by those who went to Pakistan after the partition. It was made clear by the government in 2015 that the legal heir of Nawab Hamidullah Khan's property was his elder daughter Abida. She went to Pakistan, so now his property comes under the Enemy Property Act.
The action of the property department was wrong
The actor had challenged the declaration of his property as enemy property in 2014. He said that his property is not enemy property. The action of the Enemy Property Department in this case was wrong. This challenge made the entire dispute even more complicated. However, on December 13, the petition of Saif Ali Khan, his mother Sharmila Tagore and Sabia Sultan was dismissed.