The Punjab government has installed CCTV cameras in the Registrar and Sub-Registrar offices located in the tehsil for the convenience of the people. The purpose behind this is that the people coming to these offices for work should not face any kind of problem, and the work of the people should also be done properly.
But on investigation by the administration, it was found that the cameras were not working properly. During the investigation, only three cameras were found to be working. Now the government has ordered to start all the cameras by January 31. According to the orders, four cameras have been installed in the Patwari and Tehsil office, that is, two cameras inside the office and two cameras outside the office which will keep an eye on the work.
The Punjab government has ordered that these cameras should be run in a coordinated manner so that the entire office can be monitored. The purpose of installing these cameras is that the Deputy Commissioner can check whether the Sub-Registrar / Joint Sub-Registrar is available in his office and is working properly and can also see whether the public is facing any difficulty in getting their property registered.