Politics has heated up completely in the Delhi assembly elections. Aam Aadmi Party's Rajya Sabha MP Swati Maliwal had reached former CM Arvind Kejriwal's house to throw garbage. Swati Maliwal filled the auto with garbage and started throwing it at Kejriwal's house. After which the police took her into custody.
Police warned, still threw garbage
Swati Maliwal had reached Kejriwal's house with her supporters. During this time, her auto was full of garbage. The police had also warned her not to throw garbage. Ignoring the police warning, she picked up a shovel and started throwing garbage. After which the police took action and caught her.
Voting will be held in Delhi on February 5
Let us tell you that voting is to be held on 70 seats in Delhi on February 5. The election results will be out 3 days later i.e. on February 8. A total of 699 candidates are in the fray for 70 assembly seats. The current term of the assembly is ending on February 23.