A house caught fire in Mandi village located in the countryside of Jalandhar city. The owner of the family died in this accident. The deceased has been identified as 55-year-old Gurudawar Chand. As soon as the information of the incident was received, the fire department reached the spot and after a lot of hard work the fire was controlled.
Police engaged in investigation
After the fire was extinguished, the fire department personnel went inside the house and saw that a person was burnt alive in this incident. The police reached the spot and took the body into custody and started investigating the matter. However, the reason for the fire in the house has not been known yet. This fire broke out in a house in Mandi this morning, in which all the household items were burnt to ashes.
The fire department extinguished the fire by breaking the roof of the house
The owner Gurudawar Chand also died in this fire. The villagers and the fire department personnel extinguished the fire by breaking the roof of the house and took out the body.