Punjab Education Minister Harjot Bains has given a very good news to the people going from Punjab to Himachal. He released a video and said that the road from Anandpur Sahib to Una will become easier. Because the central government has approved to make the road from Kiratpur Sahib to Mehatpur a four-lane.
The project will start in 3 months
Harjot Bains said that work on this project will start in the next 3 months. 3 companies will work on this project so that it can be completed on priority basis. Along with this, Harjot Bains has demanded from Nitin Gadkari that the burden of toll should not fall on the people traveling.
Had been after the government for 3 years
Harjot Bains said that he was after this project since the year 2022. Because many people had lost their lives on the road. Accidents used to happen due to single road. After which he contacted the central government on this matter. When the Center accepted that the road is necessary, then this project got approval.