Punjab police and other authorities are trying their level best to caught gangster groups and knowing masterminds behind criminal activities. The main objective to caught these gangster is to build Punjab a crime free, drug free state in upcoming time. During investigation process massive encounters are observed between police and gangsters which leads intense situation in the surrounding.
A similar case from Firozpur has come in light. according to information, an intense encounter between police and miscreants in Firozpur was observed. In this encounter, a miscreant is said to have been injured by a bullet during police action. The police caught him and admitted him to the hospital for treatment.

Police fired in retaliation
According to the information, the police team of CIA staff was chasing the miscreants. Meanwhile, the miscreants have started firing on the police. In response to this, the police also started firing on the miscreants. A criminal was shot in the leg in police firing.

Treatment continues in hospital
The police retaliated and caught the injured criminal. The police caught him and sent him to the hospital for treatment. Where a team of doctors is treating him.