Farmers from Punjab were leaving today to participate in the Mahapanchayat organized in Tiruchirappalli and Puducherry in Tamil Nadu. But the farmers were stopped at Delhi airport. Farmers were not allowed to board the plane with Sabres. At the same time, the farmers allege that Saber has been used only as an excuse, while the government is afraid of the expansion of the movement.
Let us tell you that farmer leaders Jagjit Singh Dallewal, Baldev Singh Sirsa and Sukhdev Singh Bhojraj were stopped from boarding the plane at Delhi airport. These farmers were leaving to participate in the Mahapanchayat organized by the United Kisan Morcha (Non-Political) in Tiruchirappalli and Puducherry, Tamil Nadu on the issue of MSP Guarantee Act.
Farmers accused the central government
Farmers alleged that leaders Jagjit Singh Dallewal and Baldev Singh Sirsa had made air trips with Kirpan many times in the past. Then no one stopped. Farmer leader Sukhdev Singh Bhojraj did not even have a saber, but still he was not allowed to board the aeroplane. The farmers alleged that on the orders of the Central Government, the security personnel had stopped them only by making Kirpan an issue. Whereas the central government is afraid of the expansion of the movement.