Police has registered an FIR against 6 people in the firing outside Advocate Gurmohan Singh's house in Jalandhar's Gujral Nagar late night. Police has registered 6 people in this FIR including retired judge, retired tehsildar, NRI father and son. Two unknown people are also included in this FIR. Police has registered this FIR on the basis of statements made by Advocate Gurmohan Singh.
Serious allegations were made in the statements given to the police
Advocate Gurmohan Singh has alleged in his statement to the police that retired session judge Kishore Kumar, retired tehsildar Manohar Lal and NRI Balraj Pal Dosanjh and his son Latinder Singh had fired at him. He also said that his friend Amarpreet Singh Aulakh, who lives in Canada, is having a property dispute with Balraj Pal Dosanjh, his son Latinder Singh alias Danny and daughter Nishant alias Nishi.
He called and said - don't pursue the case or else you will have to face the consequences
Gurmohar Singh has been advocating the case for the past three months. On August 19, he received a threatening call in which he was told not to pursue the case or else he would have to face dire consequences. Balraj Pal Dosanjh is his sister and the Pratappura property belongs to her and her children.
An unknown person fired outside the house
Advocate Gurmohan said in his statements that Balrajpal Dosanjh, his children Danny, Nishi and Kishore Kumar and Manohar Lal are involved in threatening him. Last night when he came out of the house, he saw bullet marks. After which Advocate Gurmohan saw in the CCTV that an unknown person was firing outside his house and another person was sitting on a motorcycle and making a video of this incident.
Threatened through phone calls
After this incident, he again received phone calls and was threatened. Advocate Gurmohan alleges that all the above mentioned people fired bullets with the intention of killing him and his family so that he could not plead Amarpreet Aulakh's case. The Commissionerate Police has registered a case under various sections of BNS.