Jalandhar Police has registered an FIR against 9 people including the Pradhan of Block Nakodar of Congress and the Block President of AAP in the case of theft from the shop of the current Sarpanch of Aam Aadmi Party. This case has been registered by the police of Police Station Sadar Nakodar.
9 accused together carried out the incident
Let us tell you that it is alleged that 9 accused together stole cash and CCTV DVR and other items from inside the shop. In the statement given to the police of Sadar police station, Kuldeep Singh, a resident of Rahimpur village, Nakodar, said that he is serving as the current Sarpanch. Also, he has been doing welding work near his village Uggi for the last 20 years. Where the theft took place on January 12.
The accused had brought a crane to commit the theft
But at the time of the incident he had gone out for some work. Kuldeep said that Tarlochan Singh alias Tochi resident of Rasulpur Kalan, Jawahar Singh, Gurdeep Singh alias Deepa, Krishan Lal Bathla, Parminder, Gurpreet, Rakesh Kumar alias Kesha, Pradeep Singh, Surinder Bathla resident of village Uggi and other unknown people who worked at his shop committed theft at his shop. The accused had brought a crane to commit the theft.
The police started investigation in the matter and registered a case
They stole cash, DVR and other items from the shop. After the theft, he was informed over the phone that there was a theft at his shop. After which he immediately reached the spot. After which the police of Nakodar Sadar police station was informed about the matter. The police started investigation in the matter and registered a case. Tarlochan Singh alias Tochi, who was named in the case, is the president of Nakodar Block Congress Rural. Also, Surinder is the block president of Aam Aadmi Party.