Punjabi singer and actor Diljit Dosanjh is now in the news for his new film 'Punjab-95'. This film based on human rights activist Jaswant Singh Khalra will not be released in India now. Because the censor board had asked the makers of the film to cut some scenes. The filmmakers did not make these cuts, due to which this film will not be shown in India. The teaser of the film has also been removed from YouTube.
The board had demanded 120 cuts
Actually, the Central Board of Film Certification, the institution that gives certificate to the film, had demanded 120 cuts in the film. But the producer and director of the film refused to do so. At the same time, Jaswant Khalra's family was also not ready to do so. Due to which this film will not be released in India.
Diljit wrote - Full movie, no cuts
At the same time, Diljit has shared a post on social media about the film. In which he wrote that full movie, no cuts. It is clear from Diljit's post that the film will be released abroad without cuts. This film will be released in Australia, UK, Canada and America on 7 February.
Who is Jaswant Singh Khalra
Actually Jaswant Singh Khalra raised his voice against the atrocities on Sikhs in Punjab during the 1980s and 1990s. He had revealed that during that period thousands of Sikh youths were illegally detained and killed in fake encounters. Also, Jaswant had made a big revelation that the bodies of Sikh youths killed in the encounter were secretly cremated. After which India was heavily criticized at the international level.