The Haryana government is continuously showing leniency towards Ram Rahim, who is serving sentence in Sunaria jail in the case of sexual abuse and murder. Dera chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim has been granted parole again. This time Ram Rahim has been given parole for 30 days. It is being told that Honeypreet herself had come to pick up Dera chief Ram Rahim with two vehicles.
Reached Dera in Sirsa
Before the Delhi Assembly elections, the BJP government has once again granted parole to Ram Rahim. On Tuesday, Gurmeet Ram Rahim came out of Sunaria jail amid tight security. However, this time after coming out of jail, Gurmeet Ram Rahim has reached the Dera in Sirsa. It is believed that this time he will stay in the Dera located in Sirsa.
Got parole 11 times before this
He has got parole and furlough 11 times before this. In the year 2024 also, Ram Rahim had sought emergency parole. The Election Commission had approved his parole on 30 September with 3 conditions. The condition was that Ram Rahim cannot visit Haryana nor can he participate in any election activity on social media.
He is imprisoned in murder and sexual abuse case
Let us tell you that Ram Rahim is serving sentence in Rohtak jail in sexual abuse and murder case. He has been sentenced to 20 years in the sexual abuse case.