Bigg Boss 17 winner Munawar Faruqui has been taken into custody by Mumbai Police. On Tuesday night, the SS branch of Mumbai Police raided a hookah parlor in Fort area. During this time, the police released Munawwar and 13 other people after interrogation. A case has been registered against everyone. The police released Munawar Farooqui after giving him a notice under Section 41A.
Mumbai Police had received information
Police had received information that nicotine was being consumed along with tobacco products in the hookah parlor. After this the police reached there to raid and took 13 people into custody. Munawar Farooqui was also included among these people. At present the police is investigating this matter. If tobacco products are found, a case can be registered by the police under the Cigarettes and Tobacco Act. However, Munawar Farooqui was given notice and allowed to go home at night itself.
These sections were imposed on Munawwar
Section 283, Section 336 of IPC including Cigarette and Tobacco Products Act were imposed on Farooqui and others. Along with this, the police raided this illegally running hookah parlour and seized Rs 4,400 in cash and 9 hookah pots worth Rs 13,500.