Trained candidates teaching in primary schools of Chhattisgarh have received a big blow from the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court, while hearing the petition of the state government, has declared the decision of the High Court correct. In April, the High Court had given instructions to remove B.Ed candidates and give fresh posts to Diploma candidates.
The Supreme Court has upheld the decision of the High Court. All the diploma holders are demanding implementation of the Supreme Court's decision in the state as soon as possible. The affected teachers and the government had earlier presented a petition in the Supreme Court against this decision of the Chhattisgarh High Court. SLP was submitted for the second time after the petition was rejected. The Supreme Court has issued an order rejecting all the SLPs. About 6285 assistant teachers holding B.Ed degree in the state will be affected by this order.
This is the matter
Advertisement for 12489 posts was issued in the education department in the state of Chhattisgarh in 2023. Out of which 6285 posts were of assistant teachers. Since the case was pending in Chhattisgarh regarding the eligibility of assistant teachers, B.Ed holders were also given appointments on the posts of assistant teachers in the state of Chhattisgarh on the basis of conditions.On April 2, 2024, the High Court of Chhattisgarh State considered B.Ed holders invalid for the post of Assistant Teacher and ordered the Education Department to issue a revised list within 42 days and give appointments to Diploma holders