According to the new prices released by Amul, the price of a one-litre packet of Gold is now Rs 65 and a one-litre packet of Fresh Milk is now Rs 53. The prices of Amul Gold, Amul Taaza and T-Special have been reduced. The company had increased the prices by Rs 2 per litre after the general elections held last year.
The new prices are as follows
Amul Gold – reduced from ₹66 to ₹65
Amul Fresh – reduced from ₹54 to ₹53
Amul T-Special – reduced from ₹62 to ₹61
Reasons for reduction
This is the first time that Amul has reduced the price of milk, especially when the price of milk had been increased earlier. Although Amul did not give any specific reason behind this reduction, experts consider it a step taken with the aim of giving relief to consumers. It is believed that Amul has taken this step keeping in mind the competition in the market and in the interest of consumers.
Prices were increased before the Lok Sabha elections
Last year, the Lok Sabha election results were declared on June 4. Just 3 days before this, Amul had increased the price of milk, in which Amul Gold milk was increased by Rs 2 per liter. At the same time, the prices of Amul Shakti and T Special were also increased.