Firing was done outside the house of Comrade Lubhaya Singh, former Sarpanch of Gurdwara Khas Kala, situated on Jalandhar Road from Kasba Kala Sanghia in Kapurthala. Fortunately, there was no loss of life in this incident. This incident of firing is being reported on Friday evening at around 7.30 pm, which has been confirmed by the owner of the cloth showroom Jagroop Singh and his wife Harpreet Kaur Sangha.
Police is investigating the matter
Showroom owner Jagroop Singh said that a youth has fired bullets in front of his showroom. Information has also been received about the release of CCTV footage of this incident. Police party led by ASI Amarjit Singh, in-charge of Chowki Kala Sanghia, has taken the CCTV footage in possession and efforts have been started to identify the accused.
People in panic after the incident
Chowki in-charge Amarjit Singh also said that the police is closely investigating the incident and the accused is being searched. An old rivalry between the two parties is believed to be behind the incident and the police is saying that the accused will be identified soon. There is an atmosphere of panic among the local people due to this incident.