A huge fire broke out in a warehouse near Sarangpur Complex near Dhanas in Chandigarh early in the morning. It is being told that it broke out in a furniture manufacturing warehouse. Due to which the fire took a terrible form. After the fire, there is an atmosphere of panic among the people nearby. The fire brigade teams have succeeded in extinguishing the fire.
5 fire brigade vehicles extinguished the fire
After the fire broke out, 5 fire brigade vehicles were called on the spot. After a lot of hard work, the fire brigade team was able to extinguish the fire. But due to the fire, 4 nearby shops have also been burnt to ashes. At the same time, marble and tile shops also came under its grip.
Fire spread due to thinner
The fire brigade officer said that a fire broke out in a furniture manufacturing warehouse. Thinner was kept in the warehouse. Due to which the fire kept spreading and it took a huge form. Due to which the nearby shops also came under its grip. There has been no loss of life in the accident. Rather, there has definitely been a financial loss.