A 2-year-old child was run over by a car in Nayagaon, Mohali. CCTV footage of the incident has also surfaced. In which it can be seen that the little child is running while the woman driving the car runs over the child. Both the front and rear tyres of the car pass over the child. After which the women standing nearby run and pick up the child. Thankfully, the child did not suffer any harm in the accident.
The woman stopped the car and took the child to the hospital
As soon as the woman heard the screams of the women, she stopped her car. She made the child and his family sit in the car and then took him to the hospital. Where the doctors examined the child. After examining, the doctors said that the child has not suffered any injury and he is completely healthy. After which the child's family breathed a sigh of relief.
The child's family told that their son Ayan was playing outside the house. During this time, Ayan came under the grip of the woman driving the car. After which he was taken to the hospital. He has a minor injury on his face. Otherwise he is completely fine. The woman herself took her to the hospital.
A similar accident has happened before
In Barnala, Punjab, a Scorpio crushed a two and a half year old girl. The girl died on the spot. The front and rear tyres of the Scorpio passed over the girl. CCTV footage of the incident also surfaced.