The Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) arrested 4 people including the mastermind of foreign currency smuggling in a simultaneous raid at Amritsar and Jaipur airports, in which foreign currency worth Rs 3.55 crore has been recovered. DRI has taken the accused into custody and started an investigation.
DRI officials had received information about foreign currency being sent to Dubai. Along with this, they also got information that this money was being sent out through Amritsar and Jaipur airports. After which DRI immediately came into action and raided Jaipur and Amritsar airports. During checking they arrested three accused along with the briefcase.
Euro and US dollars seized
The accused had a separate layer in the briefcase, in which they were hiding the foreign currency and taking it to Dubai. When the briefcase was opened, foreign currency worth Rs 3.55 crore was found in it. Which included the Euro and the US dollar. After this DRI interrogated the accused and also detained the mastermind of the gang.