Two people were killed and several others injured in an explosion at a private firecracker factory in Tamil Nadu's Virudhunagar on Wednesday. This is the fourth such incident in the last four months. The deceased have been identified as Pulkutty (45) and Karthik (35).
At present, firefighters and rescue workers are trying to extinguish the fire and secure the area. The injured have been taken to the nearest hospital for treatment. After this incident, a cloud of black smoke appeared in the sky.
Many explosions have happened before this also
This is not the first such incident. Last month, a similar blast took place in Virudhunagar area in which two people lost their lives. While two others were injured. Expressing grief over the incident, Tamil Nadu CM MK Stalin had announced a compensation of Rs 3 lakh to the families of the deceased and Rs 1 lakh to the injured.
Earlier on June 29, four people had died in a similar explosion at a firecracker factory in Virudhunagar. On May 9, about eight people were killed in an explosion at a firecracker factory in Sivakasi.