A case of loot worth crores of rupees has come to light in Amritsar. Around 1 am on Tuesday night, 30 to 40 robbers created terror at the cold store in Ibban Kalan village on Jhabbal Road. It is being told that the security personnel posted in the cold store were first taken hostage and then escaped after looting dry fruits worth Rs 2 crore.
Robbery at gun point
The employees present in the store said that the robbers had brought sharp weapons and pistols with them. The owner of the victim's cold store said that he got a call at around 4.30 in the morning that a robbery had taken place in his store.
When he reached the spot, he saw that his cold store had the goods of the traders of Madjith Mandi. More than a hundred traders of the Grocery Association of Majitha Mandi store their goods here.
The robbers came on trucks and bikes
The owner has said that the robbers had come on a bike, a truck and a Mahindra car. CCTV cameras were installed in his cold store and he had also taken the DVR with him. He told that he kept cashew nuts, sogi, black pepper, gram, figs and small cardamom from the traders. While leaving, the robbers locked our employees in the room and took their phones with them. Complete information about this incident was given to the police.
Police is scanning CCTV
Information about the incident was given to the police of Chatiwind police station. Police officer Shamsher Singh said that we had received information that an incident of robbery had been carried out in a cold store located in village Ibn Kalan. He said that CCTV cameras are also being examined and these robbers will be caught soon.