A heartbreaking news has come from Jalandhar. Due to the terror of dogs in the city, a 65-year-old woman returning alone from Gurudwara Sahib was attacked by street dogs. 8 dogs surrounded the woman from all sides due to which she fell on the middle of the road. Due to the fall, she has also suffered serious head injuries.
Admitted to Civil Hospital
The dogs have bitten the elderly woman in many parts of her body. This incident is being reported near Doordarshan Enclave Phase-2 located near Satguru Kabir Chowk. After the attack by the dogs, the woman has also been admitted to the Civil Hospital. There are marks of more than 25 dog bites on her body and she has also suffered a head injury.
Elderly woman soaked in blood
According to the husband of the elderly woman, a young man sitting in the sun on the roof of the colony was watching this entire incident. He reached the spot and chased away all those dogs. After this, the youth along with another Kashmiri man took the blood-soaked elderly woman home and from there took her to a private hospital, but since it was a case of dog bite, they were asked to take the woman to the civil hospital.