7 people died on Thursday in different districts of Tamil Nadu during the Jallikattu festival organized on the occasion of Pongal. These deaths have occurred in the thrilling and risky Jallikattu and Manjuvirattu programs. Along with this, more than 400 people have been injured. Two bulls have also died in different incidents.
Giving information, the police said that the bull and the bull's owner died in Siravayal Manjuvirattu in Sivaganga. At least 70 people were injured in Mettupatti village. Most of the people who lost their lives were not participants in the game, but were bull owners and spectators.
Let us tell you that the first Jallikattu of 2025 started in Thachankurichi village of Gandarvakottai taluk of Pudukkottai. After this, it also started being organized in districts like Trichy, Dindigul, Manaparai, Pudukkottai and Sivagangai. More than 600 bulls have been included in this game.
What is Jallikattu and why is it celebrated
For 2500 years, the bull has been a part of faith and tradition for the people of Tamil Nadu. At the same time, the people here celebrate Pongal festival on the day of Makar Sankranti every year after the crops ripen in the fields. Pongal means surge or boil in Tamil. On this day they start the new year.
On the last day of this three-day festival, bulls are worshipped. They are decorated. Then Jallikattu begins. It is also known as Eru Thazhuvuthal and Mankuvirattu. This game is a part of the Pongal festival.