Amritsar Police has adopted a unique method to make people follow traffic rules in Punjab. Amritsar Police explained to people to follow the rules with the help of Yamraj. Police has taken this initiative to make people aware about traffic rules.
If you don't understand here, I will take you up
Yamraj explained to the people driving bikes and cars on the roads that they should drive only after wearing helmet and car seat belt. If you don't understand here, I will take you up and make you understand. Police is trying to explain to people in the guise of Yamraj that if they do not follow the rules, Yamraj will take them away.
Every year many lives are lost in road accidents
During this, Paramjeet Singh, who is playing the role of Yamraj, said that every year in our country many people lose their lives in road accidents. This happens because we do not follow traffic rules. Our only aim is to stop accidents.