Punjab Police has arrested a key associate of gangster Lawrence Bishnoi and Goldie Brar. The gangster has been identified as Mehfooz alias Vishal Khan. Police have recovered an illegal pistol and 5 live cartridges from him. Anti Gangster Task Force has arrested him in a joint operation with SAS Nagar Police.
Weapons were given to the killers of Moosewala
Police investigation has revealed that Vishal Khan had provided weapons to the killers in the Sidhu Moosewala murder case. Police will soon present him in court and take him on remand. So that it can be ascertained where he has kept more weapons and from which number he used to talk to Goldie Brar.
He also fired bullets at IELTS center
At the same time, Punjab DGP Gaurav Yadav said that Vishal had fired bullets outside an IELTS center in Dera Bassi in the month of September last year. After which he was absconding. Vishal used to work on the orders of gangster Goldie Brar. He had collected a consignment of weapons from notorious gangster Joginder alias Joga (HR)