Khalistani terrorist Gurpatwant Singh Pannu has threatened Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann. He said that whoever goes against the will will meet the same fate as former CM Beant Singh. He is the one who got Khalistani slogans written on Faridkot railway station and Nehru station. Punjab is no longer a part of India.
Youths should not hold the tricolour in their hands
Pannu threatened that Sikh youth should not hold the tricolour in their hands. They should only hold the flag of Khalistan. Donald Trump's government has come to power in America. A lot changes with the change of governments. Punjab is no longer a part of India. Punjab's youth and farmers should hoist the Khalistani flag so that this message can reach Trump.
Khalistani flag will be hoisted in Canada, Australia
Pannu further said in his threat that Khalistani flags will be hoisted outside the embassies of Washington DC, St. Francisco, Toronto, Ottawa, Vancouver, UK, Italy, Australia and New Zealand. By doing this, he will send the message that there is a big difference between Sikhs and the Indian government regarding religion and politics.