The incidents of thefts are not ending in Jalandhar. Now a new incident has come from Avtar Nagar. Here the thieves have broken the glass of the car parked in the street. During this time the thieves have also fled with the goods lying in the vehicles. After this incident the residents living in the area have become angry. At the same time, the victim said that when he went to inform the police about the incident, the police personnel noted down the number.
Police did not register the complaint
The police noted down the number but the victim says that the policeman told him that how will he complain alone, due to which he did not register the complaint. The victim says that no police personnel in the police post is able to note the complaint. In such a situation, the victim has been forced to visit the police post again and again.
The victim suffered a loss of 50 thousand
The victim told that the neighbors had informed him about this. He told that the glass of the car has been broken. Things like battery, buffer, spare wheel were also missing from the car. The victim gave information related to the incident to the police of Bhargava Camp police station. The incident falls under police station 4. The victim says that when he went to police station 4 to lodge a complaint, the police personnel scolded him instead. He asked why did you park the car outside. On this the victim said that there is no place to park the car outside his house. Due to this the victim has suffered a loss of 50 thousand.
This is the second time such an incident has happened
Victim Balwinder Singh said that this incident has happened for the second time after 6 months. The thieves have escaped with the goods by breaking the windows of 5 cars, due to which the remaining cars have also suffered a loss of 15-15 thousand.