On 26 January, on the occasion of Republic Day, a youth tried to break the statue of Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar with a hammer in Amritsar. After which the Dalit community in Amritsar has called for a bandh. Now the mother of the accused has come in front of the camera for the first time on this matter and has made shocking revelations about her son.
Returned only 3 months ago
The mother of the accused Akashdeep said that I work in people's houses. When I returned from work yesterday, I came to know about this. I did not know anything about this. For the last 3 years, he had gone from home to work in Dubai. He has returned only 2-3 months ago.
Grown hair after going to Dubai
She further said that Akashdeep has grown his hair since he went to Dubai. Before that he did not keep hair. We did not talk to him after going to Dubai. He used to say that even if my family members die, I will still not come. He never returned home after going to Dubai. Whatever he did was wrong.
Attacked the statue 8 times in 24 seconds
Let us tell you that on Republic Day in Amritsar, the accused Akashdeep tried to break the statue of Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar. To break the statue, he climbed the ladder placed for garlanding and started hitting the statue with a hammer. Due to which the statue broke. He also tried to damage the statue of the Constitution placed near the statue. He attacked it 8 times in 24 seconds. However, after the incident, people caught him and handed him over to the police.