After the visa was cancelled in Jalandhar, some youths barged into the travel agent's office and attacked him. During this, the youths vandalised the ARYAN ACADEMY travel agent's office and destroyed the office.
The company owner said this
Giving information, the company owner Anil Sharma said that about seven months ago, a girl came to his office to get a USA visa. She had only paid the visa fee and had not paid anything else. But the girl could not clear her interview, so her visa was rejected. But then after seven months, the girl came with her husband, brother and mother and created a lot of ruckus in the office.
The entire incident was captured on CCTV
Anil Sharma said that the girl's husband called some goons from outside and completely destroyed his office, which was captured on CCTV cameras. The accused first attacked the agency employees with chairs and then slapped him.