A youth from Mallanwala in Punjab's Ferozepur district died under mysterious circumstances in Canada. The deceased has been identified as 23-year-old Omkar Deep Singh. Omkar's father Balwinder Singh said that he had sent his son Omkar Deep Singh to study in Edmonton, Canada two and a half years ago.
Last spoken to him was on 1 September
The father told that he last spoke to Omkar on the night of 1 September, after that his mobile phone was switched off, about which we told our relatives in Canada that Omkar's phone was switched off, they told us that a missing report has been filed with the Canadian police.
Burnt body found on the river bank
After which the Canadian police called the family on 9 September and told them that Omkar's body was lying burnt on the river bank. The police has taken the body in its custody and started further action.