Chandigarh Traffic Police has issued strict orders. Traffic police says that if the way is not cleared for the passage of ambulance, fire brigade and police on the road, then you may have to face punishment.
A fine of 10 thousand rupees will be imposed
If you do not do this even after hearing the siren, then you can get into big trouble. Blocking the way of emergency vehicles has a provision of strict punishment. According to the information, if this is not done, then the driver can be fined Rs 10,000 under section 194E of Motor Vehicle (Amendment Act) 2019.
It is necessary to give way to these vehicles
Let us tell you that all the vehicles give way on hearing the sound of ambulance on the road. At the same time, even if there is a traffic jam, the ambulance in which the patient is there is not stopped because a slight delay in reaching the hospital can lead to death. Similarly, it is necessary to clear the way for the vehicles used to deal with emergency situations like fire brigade, police and ambulance etc.