Actor Vivek Oberoi recently told that his business has reached Rs 3,400 crore. The actor told how he started a startup and now it has reached new heights. You will be surprised to know that Vivek is the owner of so many thousand crores.
Actor Vivek Oberoi has been rumoured to have a lot of money, not from films but from business. The actor recently revealed how he uses his brand to benefit the many companies he owns. Giving an example of his business for students, the actor said that he started a money-lending business. Vivek said that it paid off handsomely and the company is now valued at around Rs 3,400 crore.
Customer connection
Speaking at a recent event in Mumbai, Vivek said, "I started a start-up which was based on education loans. It became very big. We reached out to 12,000 schools, colleges and universities through a B2B network. But then we connected with the customer and kept all the data with us. We got to know directly about our customer, which was 45 lakh people who went to school or college. That was huge data and that's how the company was valued at around 400 million (about Rs 3,400 crore)."
Vivek Oberoi's crores worth business
He further said, 'When I leveraged my brand, it had a positive impact which was great for me because I like to do things that create a positive impact for the society. One of the things we created was a money-lending business. Creating a money-lending business plan for a loan giving company is a big deal in itself. But it worked very well and we made the company very successful.'
Vivek spends less with the team
Vivek said that if he had sent his team to the conference, the company would not have received as much respect and attention. The actor said, 'When I go somewhere and I am the owner of a start-up. Whenever I take a flight, I go in first class or business class. But whenever I fly for a company that I own, I go with the whole team in affordable money.'
In a recent interview with The Indian Express, the actor opened up about moving towards business when he was made to feel small in the film industry. Vivek said, 'Business was always a plan B and I decided that cinema would be my passion. My livelihood should be my business, which helped me to run the expenses, I did not have to work by selling my soul, which is not a good way to live, at least for me. Some people make a living from this but it is not so for me.'