Special news:Not a single FIR has been filed in this village since independence, know the secret behind it!
Dhautal Bigha village of Jehanabad district of Bihar is famous for its unique peace. Till date, no dispute has reached the police station here. The villagers solve problems together and resolve any dispute with mutual understanding.
Have you ever thought, can there be a village where everything is so law and order that not even a single FIR is registered in the police station? You will be surprised to know, but a small village in Bihar is presenting such an example. This village is not only a symbol of peace and harmony, but is also an example where there is no place for crime or quarrel. The name of this village is Jehanabad and it has become an example not only in Bihar but in the whole country.
The name of Jahanabad village was never recorded in the police station report
Since independence, the name of Jahanabad village has never been recorded in the police station report. That is, the people here are so peace loving that till date no one has even lodged a single FIR in the police station. You may not believe this, but it is true. This village presented a wonderful example of peace, unity and following the law.
People here believe in collectivism and cooperation
Now you must be thinking, what is so special about this village? Actually, the specialty of this village is the mentality and mutual relations of its people. The people here resolve any kind of dispute among themselves. If any small dispute arises, they resolve it through panchayats or social meetings. Apart from this, the people here believe in collectivism and cooperation, which has proved helpful in maintaining peace in the society.
The dispute happened 50 years ago
It is said that 50 years ago there was a dispute over a goat in Jahanabad village. At that time people in the village used to rear hundreds of goats, but this dispute affected the villagers so much that they unanimously stopped rearing goats. After this, peace remained in the village.
What did DM Dhananjay Kumar say
The District Incharge DM Dhananjay Kumar said that Dhautal Bigha village of Ghosi has become a role model not only for the district but for the entire state. The effect of community power is seen here. Where disputes and violence often increase over small matters, this village is an inspirational example for the entire country. This village is giving a message of peace to the people by becoming a symbol of peace and harmony, and it shows that any dispute can be resolved with mutual understanding and unity
'news','special news','FIR','Police case','village','Villages of UP','Uttar Pradesh villages','independence'