This type of condition is called supernumerary penis and the reason behind it is not known. Its first case was reported in the 1600s. So far 100 cases of Diphallia have been reported worldwide but according to the International Journal of Surgery Case Reports, a case of three parts has been reported for the first time.
A child was born with three private parts in Iraq. This case is surprising not only for the common people but also for medical experts. This is the first case of its kind in the world. Earlier there have been reports of children being born with two private parts but the reason behind this could not be proved. Now the condition of three private parts, Triphallia, has raised new questions in front of scientists.
In Iraq, two private parts of this child were removed through surgery. According to Daily Mail, one in every 50-60 boys is born with more than one private part. So far, 100 cases of Diphallia have been reported worldwide, but according to the International Journal of Surgery Case Reports, this is the first time that a case of three parts has been reported.
Why do such cases occur?
This type of condition is called supernumerary penis and the reason behind it is not known. Its first case was reported in the 1600s. There can be two scrotums or anuses in this. Sometimes the private part is underdeveloped. All the cases found so far have been found to be different from each other. Due to this, it has been described as a rare condition.
According to the report, this condition can appear in the 3-6th week of pregnancy or in the 15th week. The reasons for this have not been proven yet, but one possibility is the use of narcotics. Apart from these, this can also happen due to the effect of infection. The report also suggests that this can happen due to changes in the genetic structure.
There can be many problems
Due to this, patients can have problems ranging from gastro-intestinal tract, skeletal or valvular bones to cardiac problems. Usually all these organs work normally but this was not the case with this child from Iraq, so it was easily separated. Some people may also have problems related to these.