A video of Sundar Nagar locality of Hoshiarpur is going viral on social media. In which the residents of the locality are seen fighting with the policemen. It is being told that the policemen had come to stop the fight in the locality. During this, they pushed the policemen and tore their clothes. After which the employees ran away and saved their lives.
The police entered the house and beat the woman with a stick
Giving information on the matter, the woman said that there was a fight going on between the women. During this, the policemen came and entered the house and started beating my mother with a stick. Due to which she fainted. When everyone gathered, the policemen fled from the spot. Mother is now undergoing treatment in the hospital.
The police had gone to intervene
DSP Dev Dutt Sharma said that there was a fight going on between the migrants in Mohalla Sundar Nagar, seeing which 3 accused went there. When they were trying to intervene, the violent mob attacked the police and three accused were injured. Around 20 of them, both men and women, have been identified and an FIR is being registered against them.