Punjabi singer and actor Gippy Grewal is appearing in Mohali court on Tuesday in a 6 year old case. On the last hearing, bailable warrants were issued against him by the court. He was asked to appear in the next hearing and pay a surety bond of Rs 5,000.
Had received threat from gangster
The matter is of 31 May 2018. Gippy Grewal had received voice and text messages on his WhatsApp from an unknown number. He was given a number in this message. Was asked to talk to gangster Dilpreet Singh Baba on this number. It was written in it that this message was sent to demand extortion.
You should talk, otherwise your condition will be reduced to that of Parmish Verma and Chamkila. After this, Gippy Grewal complained about this to Mohali Police.
Now Gippy Grewal has been called to appear in the court. At the time when he received this threat, he was out of Punjab for the promotion of his movie 'Carry on Jatta 2'.
Warrants were issued on 4th and 10th July
A warrant was earlier issued to Gippy Grewal by the Mohali District Court on July 4. He was also ordered to appear in the court on July 10. But the bailiff had told in the court that Gippy is not in Punjab at present. They came to know that he had gone to Canada.
However, the court believes that Gippy Grewal is the complainant in the case. Also, their testimony is necessary. In such a situation, it is necessary for him to appear in the court.