Punjabi singer Ranjit Bawa has received threats from a foreign number. Bawa's manager Malkit Singh has complained about this to the police, after which a case has been registered against the unknown person. The complaint said that Ranjit Bawa had first received two messages. In one case, a ransom of Rs 1 crore and in the other Rs 2 crore was demanded. Then he received a call from a foreign number that if he did not pay the ransom, he would have to face serious consequences.
Police increased the singer's security
Malkit Singh told the police that Bawa first received a WhatsApp call from 447585019808 at his Mohali house on November 14, which we ignored. Later an audio message came from the same number threatening to face serious consequences if the ransom was not paid. The police officer said that the singer's security has been increased after the threatening call.