In Jalandhar, the police is strictly checking the city by putting up blockades in view of Republic Day. Today, DGP Law and Order Arpit Shukla suddenly reached police station Rama Mandi for inspection and checked all the equipment. During this, he took stock of the police station Rama Mandi and talked to the police personnel present in the police station.
Police Commissioner Swapan Sharma and other officers were present with Arpit Shukla. It is being told that DGP Law and Order Arpit Shukla has reached Rama Mandi police station to take stock of the security arrangements regarding the grenade attacks that have been happening continuously in police stations for the last few days. Arpit Shukla has ordered the officers posted in the police station that in case of any untoward incident, the sentry posted at the gate will blow the hooter. At the same time, after the hooter is blown, the entire force will come out immediately.
Alert issued across Punjab regarding Republic Day
While talking to the media, Arpit Shukla said that an alert has been issued across Punjab regarding Republic Day. A meeting was held today to take strict action against gangsters, drug smugglers and other criminals. After which, now a review will be done with the officials in Ludhiana regarding taking action against the criminals.
Blockades are being done at various places
DGP Law and Order Arpit Shukla said that additional security forces have been deployed for Republic Day, while blockades are being done at various places. During this, strict action will be taken against every suspicious person. Arpit Shukla told the people of Punjab that if they see any suspicious person, they should immediately inform the police.