A shocking case has come to light from St. Mary's School in Chandigarh, where sixth class children were being taught online in school. But suddenly a pornographic video started playing on the computer screen. After this incident, the class was immediately closed. The families of the students have expressed a lot of anger over the matter.
This incident happened during math class
The case is of St. Mary's School located in Sector-46. This incident happened on Tuesday during the math class of class 6. According to the information, the students and teachers of the school were regularly attending online classes. But suddenly a pornographic video started playing on the screen.
Parents demanded strict action from the administration
After this incident, the parents have demanded strict action from the school administration in this matter. They say that such incidents can have a bad effect on the mental health of the children. At the same time, this incident has raised many questions about the safety of the online education system.