Before the Lok Sabha elections, petrol and diesel have become cheaper by Rs 2 across the country. Earlier, Rajasthan government has removed 2 percent VAT on petrol and diesel. Due to which petrol and diesel may become cheaper by Rs 5 in Rajasthan. The new prices will be applicable from 12 midnight onwards.
There was instability in petrol and diesel, hence it was reduced
CM Bhajanlal Sharma said that there was a lot of instability in the prices of petrol and diesel. Due to which there was a huge difference in rates in Jaipur, Udaipur, Bikaner and Ganganagar. In Rajasthan itself, there was a difference of up to Rs 5 28 paise in the rates of petrol and diesel. We removed this instability and also reduced VAT by 2 percent.
It will cost Rs 1500 crore
Let us tell you that this will cost Rajasthan Rs 1500 crore. CM Bhajan Lal himself also admitted that reducing VAT will affect the government's revenue. But policies are being made for this. So that the revenue can be met in future.
4 thousand petrol pumps were on strike
Recently, more than 4 thousand petrol pumps were on strike in Rajasthan. Common people were facing problems. Petrol pumps were being provided only for emergency services. Petrol Pump Association was demanding reduction in VAT.
Highest VAT is charged in Rajasthan
Let us tell you that if any state in the country has the highest VAT on petrol and diesel, then it is Rajasthan. In Rajasthan, VAT is 31 percent on petrol and 19 percent on diesel. Due to which the rates of petrol and diesel were high in Rajasthan.